Yes, the rumors are true!
So here’s what happened. The AFF Crew has always planned to get together for Army-Navy. This then came up at the UMass game when a bunch of my classmates asked what we were doing for the game. I said we would talk, and that very quickly spiraled into my becoming the OIC of USMA 95’s tailgating efforts. It turns out that MetLife has some seriously restrictive tailgating policies, and now here we are.
This tailgate is mostly intended for my friends and classmates, but a bunch of our patrons have also asked if we’re doing anything, and folks hit me up all the time at games about this, so…
If you’ve always wanted to tailgate with the AFF Crew, here is your chance. I know we’re gonna have at least 50, and we probably have space for as many as 200.

Frequently Asked Questions:
So, this is a money-maker for AFF?
No, I just had to organize an event for more folks than I thought we could comfortably fit into MetLife’s parking lot on relatively short notice without prepaying for space, which they don’t do.
I’m happy to push AFF’s brand awareness, but we’ll donate any actual profits to the Army A Club.
Why the A Club?
Because we’re all here to support Army Athletics, and because at this point, AFF owes AD Mike Buddie at least one favor. Also, because I personally got as much from Army Athletics when I was a cadet as any man alive. I therefore appreciate what that support means.
Can you break down the costs?
Yup. There’s a lot going on here.
We are going meet at Redd’s Restaurant, which is a German-style beer garden just outside the grounds of MetLife Stadium. Redd’s offers gameday parking and a shuttle as well as gameday tailgates just like this one.
— Parking is $50/car. If you pay for parking, the shuttle to the game is free.
— If you Uber or take mass transit, the shuttle is $10/person.
— You can also try to walk, but I have no idea how easy or safe that will be.
We are not collecting money for parking or anything like that. This is Redd’s business. He’s been great working with us, and that’s fine. Obviously, the guy is trying to make a little money in the Year of COVID. That is actually good, and AFF fully supports his efforts to stay in business.
The tailgate itself is $45/person for 3 hours. This breaks down as follows:
— $15 for beer, wine, and soda.
— $15 for bar food, i.e. wings, etc.
— $5 for the bratwurst add-on.
— $7 tip.
— $3 for incidentals. I do not want to get stuck with a bill at the end of the afternoon.
Some FULL COLONELS have complained to me about costs, so let me just say that I dare ANYONE to eat and drink for 3 full hours anywhere in the Greater New York City Area for less than $45/person.
This ain’t Kansas, friends.
So you really want us to come to this thing?
Actually, I don’t care. It’s not a money-maker. I want to drink and hang out with my friends and classmates, and we needed a space. This is it. But you do you, seriously.
The only reason to come to this event is to hang and have a good time. Depending on how the costs shake out, you may also wind up supporting the A Club a little, but that’s strictly an unintended consequence.
How to I pay?
You can PayPal [email protected], or reach out personally, and I’ll send you my venmo information. We’re using the AFF account because I’m trying to keep this separate from my personal finances.
How soon do I need to RSVP?
Sooner is better. I’ve got to give the guys at Redd’s at least a general headcount sooner rather than later. Hopefully by the end of the week.
If you’ve got any other questions, feel free to reach out.